ein Mädchen baut ein Kunstwerk aus Strohalmen: dkjs
Who we are


Regionally based partners know what is needed
on the ground

The German Children and Youth Foundation has a Germany-wide network, with regional offices  in Berlin, Munich, Cologne, Trier, Dresden, Magdeburg, Kiel, Hamburg, Bremen, Jena and Stuttgart (coming soon). From these places, the Foundation is managing programmes in all 16 German states.

Germany-wide exchanges in the federal education system

In its programmes, the German Children and Youth Foundation promotes exchanges across state boundaries. As a result, best practices and successful existing concepts can be shared despite the federal nature of the German education system.

The DKJS in Europe

As a major European education foundation, the DKJS is involved in the PEFONDES network of foundations. It actively works to give children and youth throughout Europe the best possible opportunities. Some of our programmes, such as Think Big, involve multiple European countries.

'I have always been fascinated by the fact that alternative thinking is conveyed to the general public and into politics. Today, I see foundations like the German Children and Youth Foundation as the main motivators for social processes.'
Rita Süssmuth